16beat stroke accent

This article is for those who want to know the accent position when drawing with a 16-beat stroke.

In the previous article, I introduced the basic pattern of the 16-beat stroke.
16 beat stroke

If you simply stroke with this pattern, there will be no overall strength or weakness, and it will feel like it is one pattern.
You can get a nice feel by just adding accents when you play the stroke, so be sure to master it.
In the case of the basic 16-beat pattern introduced last time, I will introduce a practice method for playing with accents.

(1) Accent position
This is an image of playing strongly at the snare position of a drum.
Try playing the parts shown in red strongly.


Using a metronome, start with BPM = 60. If you can, gradually increase the tempo until you can do it at around 120 BPM.

(2) Different use of bass strings and treble strings + accents
Next, let’s use the bass strings and treble strings differently. The accents are more coordinated and a sense of rhythm emerges.
It shows the same score again.

The black part represents playing the lower strings (6th to 3rd strings) with a smaller hand swing, and the red part represents playing the entire string with a slightly larger hand swing.
The bass strings are not exactly 6th to 3rd strings, but it is OK as long as you can play them roughly.

・For the black part, make a small hand swing and play the lower strings (strings 6 to 3), and for the red part, make a slightly larger hand swing and play the entire string.
・When playing the entire string, play a little harder.
This means doing both at the same time.

Let’s also try this first with BPM=60. If you can, gradually increase the tempo until you can play at BPM=120.

<Standard tempo>


The basics of 16 beats are now complete.