Left hand


This article is for those who….

・can play chords to some extent

 ・is not good at barre chords such as F

・is not good at chord changes

(1) Exercise menu for strengthening the left hand

Once you can play chords to a certain extent, it’s a good idea to go a little further and practice barre chords such as F and chord changes. I have summarized the details of the following points in separate articles. Here we provide an overview of each item.

i) How to hold the F chord/Tips for holding it

ii) Barre chord (B, Bm, B7, Fm, F7)

iii) Tips and practice methods for changing guitar chords

iv) Tips and practice methods for changing guitar chords (for 8 beats)

(2) Overview of each item

i)How to hold the F chord/Tips for holding it

The F chord is a typical difficult guitar chord. This blog introduces the abbreviated form of the F chord, but once you can play regular chords, you can use them to your advantage, so I will explain tips on how to play them. If you can do this, you will definitely get a sound! I don’t think there is much of a point. It’s like having a few points that when combined produce a beautiful sound. I have listed as many points as possible in the article below, so please check if you have covered each one one by one.

i) How to hold the F chord/Tips for holding it

ii) Barre chord (B, Bm, B7, Fm, F7, chord)

Like the F chord, there are chords in which you press the 6th to 1st strings together with your index finger. The ones that often appear are B, Bm, B7, Fm, and F7. In this way, a chord played by pressing the 6th to 1st strings together with the index finger is called a barre chord. Once you are able to play the F chord, you will be able to play the barre chord in the same way, but the following article explains the key points on how to play each chord.

ii) Barre chord (B, Bm, B7, Fm, F7, chord)

iii) Tips and practice methods for changing guitar chords

Once you can hold the F chord and other barre chords, you should be able to play most chords. Next, it is important to play with a constant rhythm. The problem here is the chord change (moving to the next chord). At first, the chord changes will take a long time, and you may find yourself stopping at the chord change timing. In order to make chord changes smooth, you need to get used to it, but the following article introduces how to practice while playing the guitar.

iii) Tips and practice methods for changing guitar chords

iv) Tips and practice methods for changing guitar chords (for 8 beats)

The basic method of practicing chord changes is introduced in the article iii) Tips and Practice Methods for Guitar Chord Changes above. Once you can do this, you will finally be able to make chord changes smoothly using an 8-beat pattern.

iv) Tips and practice methods for changing guitar chords (for 8 beats)

If you have made it this far, I think you can say that you have mastered most of the basic things necessary for playing and singing. Let’s work on it patiently.

<Next article>  How to hold the F chord/Tips for holding it